10 Positive Effects Of The B.A.R.F Diet For Cats And Dog

10 Positive Effects Of The Barf Diet For Cats & DogEvery day more experts and veterinarians agree that the raw food diet or barf diet has many benefits for our pets. In this particular article we present the main positive effects of the barf diet for cats. Read on to find out what the barf diet can bring to your cat.

What is B.A.R.F diet?

The “B.A.R.F” diet stands for two phrases: ‘Bones and Raw Food’ and ‘Biologically Appropriate Raw Food’. A veterinarian and nutritionist Dr. Ian Billinghurst founded it, the principle was to feed dogs and cat, a diet which was evolved to eat—a raw diet composed of meats and greens that are fresh, uncooked and wild.

1. Shinier and healthier hair

The barf diet will help your cat to take maximum care of its fur and skin. Shortly after you start feeding him the barf diet, you will notice how his hair will be much shinier and healthier. You will be able to notice all these benefits in a very short time since by eliminating all the chemical elements present in the feed from their diet, the condition of their hair will improve quickly.

2. Better digestive health

In addition, the barf diet will also improve your cat’s digestive health in a short time. Your pet will have to digest food less by eliminating flours and ultra-processed products from his diet, so his body odor will improve and it will be much less intense and also more pleasant.

3. Softer body odor

In addition, the body odor of your cat will also be much softer and more pleasant. This happens because although we think that cats often smell in a certain way by nature, the truth is that bad smell is always due to food, so if we improve their diet, their body odor will also decrease and it will become less intense and more pleasant.

4. Much more energy

In addition, another of the most notable advantages of feeding your cat with the barf diet is, as the Zaunk experts explain , that your pet will have much more energy from the first moment, it will be much more alive and it will also be happier. This is one of the things that you will first notice since it will be an incredible change at the level of attitude compared to when your pet was fed on ultra-processed and pre-made food for cats, since these foods are loaded with chemicals that are dangerous for the health of the cats.

5. Better mood

Also with the barf diet for cats you will help your cat to feel better and it will show you with its good mood. Your cat’s mood will change in a positive way because a well-fed cat is undoubtedly a happy cat. When your cat begins to eat the BAF diet, it will feel better, it will give you more love and it will always look forward to feeding time so it can enjoy the delicacies you have prepared for it.

6. Healthier stools

When you start to take care of your diet, without a doubt the feces of the cats will be much smaller and also less odorous in a short time and this will be noticed from the second or from the third day of change in their diet. In addition, most people will be surprised that not only will the state of the beams be better, but their quantity will also decrease. This is a totally normal effect because when you start feeding your cat with natural food, your pet will make the most of it and will not have to excrete the surplus and these excrements will not produce such a bad smell.

7. Less disease

As surprising as it may seem, many of the diseases that cats suffer from could be avoided simply by changing their diet to a healthier diet. In this way, if you decide to eliminate pre-manufactured products and replace them with the barf diet to feed your cat, you will avoid stomach problems, cancer and other types of serious diseases that can affect cats.

8. Will live many more years

Although for a long time we have thought that industrial foods such as feed and other ultra-processed foods for pets were the best alternative to take care of the health of our cats, the truth is that by switching to a barf diet your pet will have a much better chance of living for many years. His health will be much better and your cat will feel good throughout his life. By not giving it colorants, preservatives or ultra-processed, your cat will always be healthier and this will allow it to live longer and with a better quality of life. Undoubtedly, as with people, a good diet is one of the keys to longevity.

9. No overweight

Likewise, with the barf diet for cats you will also be able to avoid all the problems related to overweight, fatigue, lethargy and obesity that usually affect cats. These raw foods that make up the barf diet will make you feel vital and help you stay at your optimal weight.

10. Keeping your joints healthy

Finally, by changing your cat from an ultra-processed diet to a barf diet, you will be helping him to take maximum care of his joints, which will be especially interesting to ensure that your pet will be much healthier and therefore also to prevent all kinds of related diseases. with your joints and your bones.

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