What Can I Have Instead Of Coffee To Wake Me Up?


What Can I Have Instead Of Coffee To Wake Me UpHow many times have you heard about “I don’t wake up until I have coffee in the morning”? Coffee is the first drink of the day for many people. In addition to having an irresistible aroma, it is a stimulant that helps to start the day with energy.

But, there are also people who do not like the aroma or taste of coffee, or who cannot drink coffee, but who can opt for an equally tasty and stimulating coffee substitute. According to data from site statista.com Over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world daily.

And over 15 years of age drink at least one cup of coffee a day, although the average is 3.6 cups. However, coffee substitutes can provide the same energy while avoiding the negative effects of caffeine taken in excess.

What are the effects of caffeine on the body?

Caffeine is a substance found in many plants such as coffee beans, tea leaves, kola nuts, and cocoa pods. There is also synthetic caffeine that is added to some medicines, drinks, and foods. The effects of caffeine on the body are as follows:

When caffeine is consumed in excess, it prevents calcium from being absorbed by the bones and promotes osteoporosis or vitamin D deficiency. In addition, if we drink too much caffeine we can suffer anxiety, hypertension, headaches, or sleep disorders.

The maximum level of caffeine is reached one hour after consuming it. In some cases, certain people must avoid caffeine. For example, in the following:

  • Pregnant women, since caffeine can reach the fetus.
  • Mothers during lactation so that the baby does not pass through the milk.
  • People who have insomnia problems or sleep disorders. Here we also leave you a guide to combat insomnia.
  • Those who suffer from migraines or chronic headaches.
  • Those who have anxiety or stress symptoms.
  • Those with stomach problems or ulcers.
  • Those with heart problems or high blood pressure.
  • Children and adolescents.

In all these cases, you can look for, after consultation with the corresponding medical specialist, a substitute for coffee that has the same effects and provides energy. Here are some ideas for you.

Find the ideal coffee substitute to wake up

The key question is, if you don’t want or can’t drink coffee, what alternatives are there? We tell you about them below:

1. Barley coffee: Barley coffee or caffè d´orzo in Italian, is one of the best-known coffee substitutes. It does not contain caffeine, it does not taste like coffee and it resembles the barley water that is consumed as a soft drink in the Valencian Community.

The barley beans are roasted and ground as if they were coffee beans and the same machine is used to make barley coffee as for espresso coffee.

2. Chicory: It is a cheap alternative to coffee, with a similar taste. It is extracted from the root of the chicory plant, roasted and powdered. The advantage is that it does not contain caffeine.

3. Ginger with lemon and honey: A cup of tea with ginger and lemon although we can think that ginger has a strong flavor to be taken as an infusion, the truth is that it has a good flavor and also if it is mixed with honey and lemon, the benefits of the drink are enhanced.

Lemon provides vitamin C, honey vitamins B, C, and D and ginger is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cleanser. To prepare the infusion, cut several slices of ginger, boil them for 15 minutes and add the squeezed lemon and a tablespoon of honey.

4. Green tea: Green tea is very healthy for our body and is stimulating, so it helps us wake up in the morning. It contains vitamins A, C, and E. You can find it on the market in various formats such as capsules or sachets.

5. Cocoa: Cocoa contains antioxidants, theophylline, and theobromine that help wake us up. However, it is usually mixed with sugars so it is necessary to take care of its consumption. Another good option is to consume pure cocoa without sugars, it has a characteristic bitter taste and can be taken with milk.

6. Mate: I killed you, Mate is a drink widely consumed in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. It helps in digestion and contains antioxidants, although it also contains caffeine. You can find it on the market in different formats, such as the sachets that you simply have to put in hot water.

7. Licorice tea: It contains vitamin C and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, or sodium. It is also digestive and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to take it in cases of irritable bowel, gas, or heartburn.

8. Ginseng capsules: ginseng as a coffee substitute Ginseng capsules are the only alternative that you cannot drink. Ginseng naturally stimulates and helps increase physical and mental performance, as well as improve concentration.

9. Rooibos tea: a cup of rooibos tea Rooibos is an herb that comes from South Africa and is obtained by fermenting a bush that gives it its red color. Rooibos tea contains iron, calcium, potassium, antioxidants.

It provides many health benefits such as boosting the immune system, which helps the body protect itself against disease. In addition, it does not contain caffeine, reduces blood pressure, improves bone and heart health.

10. Smoothies: It is a smoothie that can contain fruits and vegetables, so its contribution of different types of vitamins and nutrients is very good. You can do many combinations until you find the one you like the most. It is a delicious and very healthy alternative to coffee.

As you have seen, there are several alternatives to coffee to wake up in the morning that can be healthier and more beneficial for your body.