Why Big Companies are Blogging

Why Big Companies are Blogging

There are still some old-school business people out there that consider the whole idea of blogging for their business rather ridiculous. Unfortunately for these people, they will never understand that the world is changing and blogging is a whole lot more than just a bunch of people in their pajamas ranting about the world.

There are some very professional companies out there that have tapped into this market and are reaping the rewards for recognizing the trends and new approaches to attracting new customers.

This has caused some of the older companies to sit up and take notice. An older company can no longer depend on their tried and true advertising methods and must take up blogging as a part of the overall marketing strategy for their company.

This puts some of the largest companies around on the same playing field as a new upstart company.

One of the great advantages to using blogging online is the very close and personal relationship you can build with your customers. The online community is not shy about letting others know how they feel about a product or service and your blog gives them a chance to talk right to you.

Your blog can share your products or services with your customers, but you also have a unique opportunity to let them be heard as well. This type of personal attention and service will be appreciated by your loyal customers.

You might be wondering how it could possibly help you to have people complaining on your blogs. Well, there are a couple of thoughts here.

First, you give your customers a place to vent their complaints in a location that you control. It’s much better to allow them the chance to complain right to you than putting up awful reviews or complaints about your business all over the web.

And if you make these complaints public and address them in a positive way, you will gain the respect of everyone who reads that information.

Many companies are also amazed at the amount of traffic that is generated by blogging. If you have an online website, you simply must be blogging to increase your traffic.

It is almost a force unto itself and you might be able to cut your other advertising budget simply because of the increased traffic that you gain from your blog.

What’s more, it’s all free and anything that brings you business without costing you a cent must be used, doesn’t it

The simple fact of life today is if you have any kind of business at all, you must be blogging. Those who do not recognize the advertising power of blogs will simply be left in the dust of those that do and no one wants to be that business.

Increased traffic, a connection to your customers, and a chance to bring some fresh content to your customers regularly are all benefits to blogging for your business.

It’s simple to start a blog for your business whether you are an online business or off, there is nothing but gain in this simple and highly effective form of advertising.

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