What Is Zeolite? What Are The Health Benefits?

What Is Zeolite What Are The Health BenefitsDid you know that there is a mineral called zeolite? it’s of natural origin, essentially coming from the volcanic process and that thanks to its enormous properties. It is used in the world of agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, but mainly it can be used for medical purposes as a detoxifier of the body?

The name “zeolite” was coined in the 18th century by the Swedish geologist Axel Cronstedt and the term means “boiling stone”. Zeolite, as we mentioned earlier, is a mineral that arises from the interaction between volcanic rock, ash, and water, being common to locate in places where there are volcanoes near the sea. Today in the 21st century  Japan, China,  Turkey, South Korea, and Jordan are the world’s top producers.

The experts say that this mineral can also be found in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and due to the geographical characteristics, it is very likely that there is zeolite in its natural state, but the ratio may be variable that that is dedicated to its extraction.

It has been proven that zeolite has natural properties that are very effective in attracting and eliminating heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, toxins to which we are exposed daily and ingest in one way or another and that are present in our body, Hence, it is suggested that the consumption of this mineral could be a great contribution to the purification of the human body.

What are the benefits of consuming zeolite?

Also among the effects of zeolite consumption

  • Releasing toxins from the body, blood, and tissues
  • It eliminates heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead
  • Generates as an effect, an improvement in physical health
  • Increase in energy levels and emotional well-being, allowing to combat a depressive state.
  • Zeolite is an activator of the immune system
  • Cleanses the blood, the lymphatic system, the glandular system
  • Activates the cellular system
  • Effective in stabilizing all the functional systems of the body.
  • It regulates PH stands of body
  • It neutralizing acid and promoting greater alkalinity in the bloodstream.
  • To combat external or internal skin infections since it acts as a remover of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Another point to highlight, according to experts, is that its consumption would help fight cancer cells. Without going any further, there is the case of a Chilean, scientist Marcelo Bustamante who in 2015 was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

With a life expectancy of no more than two months, after a long investigation, he decided to opt for an alternative treatment based on the consumption of 3 elements: Amalaki juice, blue scorpion venom, and zeolite. After 6 months of being subjected to the treatment, Bustamante assured them that his cancer would have disappeared.

Today you can find zeolite in powder, as a drink and capsules, in order to be consumed due to its healing effects. In the market, there are a large number of brands on the product, so it is recommended to investigate properly and choose the one in which the zeolite is in its most natural state.

It is also important to mention that if you want to consume zeolite, before acquiring it, you must take advice from a health professional, who will guide you in the most appropriate way in the intake of the product.

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