What Is The Best Food For Healthy Teeth?

What Is The Best Food For Healthy TeethHaving healthy teeth is not just a matter of the number of times we brush our teeth per day, nor is it the way we do it. Despite these actions, they are essential for good oral health

Specially a perfect diet the food we eat are a fundamental part to ensure that our mouth is healthy and our teeth are white and shiny. In this guide we are going to explain what the perfect diet should be to have healthy teeth.

How does diet affect the teeth?

Food is essential for our body, something that they teach us since childhood, but that, sometimes, we do not usually continue and we sin by eating too many sweets. And other types of foods that do not suit us, or our body, but not our teeth and mouth.

We are no longer talking about the remains that can remain after eating between the teeth and that cause cavities or tartar. But we are referring to other foods that can indirectly harm them, like other types of food that on the contrary, They can promote our perfect smile, with healthy and very strong teeth that can last a lifetime.

One of the foods that will promote perfect oral health is water. This liquid, as we well know, is necessary for our daily life, and must often hydrate us even when we are not thirsty.

A dental health specialists have explained to us that by drinking water throughout the day, the gums are hydrated and also helps the production of saliva, which is capable of effectively neutralizing the bacteria that can enter our mouth through food.

1. Vegetables For Healthy Teeth

There are vegetables and fruits that are expressly indicated to take care of our mouth and especially our teeth. In the case of fruits, one of the most representative is the apple .

Apple of all the varieties that  are found on the market are beneficial, they can contribute the most to your teeth. Even though its taste is sour, being crunchier than the rest and more compact, it is capable of cleaning teeth of tartaric acid. In addition, thanks to its polyphenols, it will kill most bacteria.

2. Healthy Food For Healthy Teeth

Another food that can help keep your mouth extremely clean with gleaming teeth is celery, which you should include almost daily in your diet. Celery, especially if taken raw, is perfect for stimulating salivation.

It even help to eliminate bacteria from the mouth, but on the other hand, having a texture in small microfibers, they will do a very similar job. which you could have with a toothbrush.

3. Vitamin C For Healthy Teeth

Vitamin C is ideal if you want to keep your gums in perfect condition, which are the ones that will help your teeth stay in place without moving and without pain when chewing. The gums, in addition to other components, are made up of collagen and vitamin C is extremely important to keep it in perfect condition.

Although it is common to think of oranges when we talk about group C vitamins, but one of the fruits that will give you the most is kiwi. So you will have to give this delicious fruit with so many benefits a chance.

4. Tea For Healthy Teeth

It has been proven that the ingestion of green tea, as well as red tea helps to gradually eliminate cavities. In addition to having other properties, tea is capable of making the bacteria in your mouth disappear, reducing tartar, as well as cavities.

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