The Benefits Of Raw Food Diet (B.A.R.F) For Dogs

What Are The Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet For DogsMany people wonder whether going on raw food diet for pet dogs is a healthy option. They get confused by ads and trust the commercial dog food producers and blindly buy tinned food for their pets.

Sure you want the best of the best for your pet and that is why you are thinking of starting to feed him the BARF diet. In this article, we will know what the pet experts tell, you all the benefits that the BARF diet has for our dogs and cats.

1.The hair will look brighter

One of the first points that you will immediately notice when you start feeding your pet the barf diet is that their hair will look much shinier, healthier, and stronger. This happens because raw meat has many healthy fatty acids beneficial to the health of your pets that will help them to have a much prettier and healthier coat.

Food is always the first step to improve the health of our pets and this can be reflected later not only at the health level but also at the aesthetic level, as in this case.

2. It will decrease the bad smell

As surprising as it may seem, as we will see that with the consumption of raw foods in the BARF diet, your pet’s body odor will also decrease.

Cats do not usually smell much but do have a strong smell and therefore this point will be especially interesting for you, especially if you live in an apartment and your pet roams at ease throughout the house as it will prevent proliferation to a great extent. of bad smells.

3. Bad breath will change

You will surprise to find that not only your pet’s body odor be less strong, but it will also decrease your bad breath. With the BARF diet, not so much dental plaque accumulates, and therefore your pet’s teeth will not smell so bad and their breath will be much less strong.

It is a very favorable point that will make them feel better and you will avoid having to put up with their bad breath when your pet is affectionate and wants to fill you with kisses.

4. Treatment for overweight

With the BARF diet, dogs and cats manage to lose weight and stay in optimal health. That is why you may be interested in choosing this diet for your pet.

If your pet is a few kilos overweight and you want to help him be healthier. The BARF diet is based on proteins and fats of the best quality and avoids carbohydrates, making it the best alternative to keep your pet in shape.

5. Strengthens the immune system

In addition, with the BARF diet, you will help your pet to strengthen the immune system of your pets. With this type of diet, all dogs and cats will largely cover all their nutritional needs for fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals and will make the most of all the nutrients in food.

6. Take care of digestive system

As if all this were not enough, the BARF diet composed of natural foods will provide your pet with all the nutrients he needs, will allow him to reduce gas as much as possible, and will also greatly reduce the bad smell of his feces and excrement, which is usually another problem that it mostly affects most dogs.

This is a very necessary change for most pets that is much closer to their natural diet and therefore will protect their digestive system as much as possible and allow them to feel better and happier.

7. Helps them hydrate

The BARF diet for pets allows you to improve their hydration because it is made up of seventy percent water. As dogs and cats will not have to process any type of dry food, they will reduce the stress on their liver and kidneys as much as possible, and therefore it is the best alternative to help them stay hydrated throughout the day through their diet.

8. It allows them to control their appetite

According to the experts, the BARF diet is also the best alternative to help animals with appetite control problems that never know when to stop eating so that they can better control what they eat since being on a high protein diet allows them to feel satiated for longer.

7. You will say goodbye to the processed food

On the other hand, with this type of diet, you will completely eliminate processed foods and chemicals from your pet’s diet, so your dogs and cats will have much fewer health problems, will be much healthier, and will live with you for much longer.

In many cases, we do not realize it, but the food is the source of many diseases by not taking care of it properly and it is undoubtedly essential to change habits to protect the health of our pets.

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